27 March 2017

Ottawa Int'l Travel Show 2017

Here are a selection of photos from the Ottawa International Travel Show held at the convention centre on 25-26 March 2017. Several embassies were present, as were national tourist offices.

The fabulous Leona from the Zambian High Commission

Tanzania High Commission travel sales rep.

India is really showing off their great e-Visa system!

Free bangles from India

Somewhat scary giant headed Korean characters...

Kenyan High Commission

Kenyan High Commission's famous water buffalo SHOE is back again this year

Biking in Viet Nam

Iced Coffee from the highlands of Viet Nam

China sales reps.

Taiwan food!

Even scarier giant-headed Taiwanese characters...

Taiwan Tea

Turkish Water Painting

She told us to visit Turkey NOW!

Deborah, the spectacular agent from CWT in Ottawa

Doing Jamaica right.

Egypt is superhuman and super friendly

Jordan Tourist Board rep.

Polish Embassy staff

Czech Embassy staff

Latvia and Lithuania sales rep.

Nepal sales rep.

Nepal embassy booth

Japan - ball in a cup 

Cuban hot coffee

The lady from Houston goes Lone Star on Ottawa

The Canadian government booth on travel advice and security.