09 August 2012


We are sad to report that due to increasing courier costs we have had to raise the return shipping fee by $2. In addition, we now have to charge for money orders. This is a flat $6.50 fee charged only if the embassy requires payment by money order. By prior arrangement you may send a money order to cover the embassy fees, but we do not recommend this. These revised fees came into effect as of 01 August 2012. We regret any inconveneince, as our prices have been stable for the past five years.


Effective 16 August 2012, the German Embassy in Ottawa will no longer accept applications for Schengen visas. As of that date, applicants previously served by the German Embassy should submit their application to the visa office of the Embassy of Austria in Ottawa. Non-Canadians seeking Schengen visas for Germany will now have to apply in person at the Austrian Embassy in Ottawa.