27 March 2019

Uzbekistan is Visa-Free

Effective immediately (01 February 2019), the Republic of Uzbekistan has made entry visa-free for Canadians and 54 other nationalities for stays up to 30 days.

Here is the official wording provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan:     (https://mfa.uz/en/consular/visa/)

"A visa-free regime is introduced for 30 days period for citizens of Andorra Principality, Australian Union, Austrian Republic, Argentine Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina,  Brunei Darussalam State, Canada, Czech Republic, Federative Republic of Brazil, Federal Republic of Germany, Finland Republic, French Republic, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Hungary, Greek Republic, Israel, Indonesia, Ireland, Iceland, Italian Republic,  Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Principality of Monaco, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Portugal Republic, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of Korea, Republic of Malta, Republic of Poland, Republic of San Marino, Republic of Serbia, Singapore, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Chile, Romania, Slovak Republic, Republic of Turkey, Swiss Confederation, Republic of Estonia, Japan, UUU, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , Vatican.

(NOTE: This change does not apply to USA citizens.)

The visa-free regime applies to citizens of these countries, holders of all categories of passports (diplomatic, service and civil) planning to visit the Republic of Uzbekistan for up to 30 days, regardless of the purpose of their trip. In order to enter the country, a person must have a valid national passport or another substitute document used for travel to foreign countries.

The visa-free regime does not apply to stateless persons permanently residing in the territories of these countries.

Accordingly, the visa-free regime is valid for 30 days from the date of entry into Uzbekistan. Before the end of the 30-day visa-free stay period, a foreign citizen must leave the Republic of Uzbekistan. Exceeding the 30-day visa-free stay is recognized as violation of the Rules of stay of foreign citizens in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Accordingly, if it is necessary to stay in Uzbekistan for more than 30 days, a foreign citizen must obtain an entry visa to the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure, corresponding to the purpose of his trip."

Click here for Uzbek visa information.

21 March 2019

India eVisas now Multi-Entry for One Year

India has just changed their eVisa rules again, and now Canadians getting Tourist or Business eVisas will usually be issued a MULTI-ENTRY eVisa good for 365 days, with stays of up to 60 days.

"The validity of e-Tourist Visa and e-Business Visa will be one year from the date of grant of ETA. Multiple entries will be permitted on e-Tourist Visa and e-Business visa.In case of e-Conference visa, validity will be 30 days from the date of arrival in India.Only single entry is permitted on e-Conference visa. In case of e-Medical and e-Medical Attendant visas, validity will be 60 days from the date of first arrival in India. Triple entry will be permitted on e-Medical and e-Medical Attendant visas.

e-Visa is valid for entry through 28 designated Airports (i.e. Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Bagdogra, Bengaluru, Bhubaneshwar, Calicut, Chennai, Chandigarh,Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Gaya, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Madurai,Mangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Portblair, Pune, Tiruchirapalli, Trivandrum, Varanasi & Vishakhapatnam) and 5 designated seaports (i.e. Cochin, Goa, Mangalore,Mumbai,Chennai). However, the foreigner can exit from any of the authorized Immigration Check Posts (ICPs) in India."

Click here for the India eVisa applications.

Official Brazil Embassy Announcement

The following is the official announcement from the Embassy of Brazil in Ottawa which was printed 20 March 2019.

"An executive order issued by President Jair Bolsonaro will enter into force on 17 June 2019 and is expected to increase the foreign tourist flow into Brazil. The visa exemption for citizens of the United States of America, Australia, Canada and Japan who wish to travel to Brazil was enacted on 18 March 2019. This will enable visitors from these four countries to enter Brazil without a visa. The order was signed by President Jair Bolsonaro, Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo, Tourism Minister Marcelo Álvaro Antônio and Justice Minister Sérgio Moro.

 The measure benefits holders of a valid passport traveling for tourism, business, artistic or sports activities or in exceptional situations of national interest. The initiative also covers travelers transiting through Brazil. Visitors will be granted a stay of up to 90 days, which can be extended once for the same period, as long as they do not exceed 180 days within a 12-month period, counted from the date of the first entry. If the regular stay is exceeded, the visitor will be considered an illegal alien subject to the applicable measures by the Brazilian government.

 “This is a historical day for Brazilian tourism and we are certain it means a new level for our country among the main tourist destinations around the world. Our sector is able to contribute to the national economic growth by creating jobs and income and soon we will have positive results to share” stressed Tourism Minister Marcelo Álvaro Antônio.

 The four countries covered by the visa exemption announced on Monday were part of a pilot project that began in 2017 and introduced the electronic visa for visitors who wished to travel to Brazil. The Tourism Ministry expects that the new measure will help the country reach 12 million foreign visitors by 2020, in comparison with 6.6 million current visitors."

Click here for eVisas to Brazil until 17 June 2019.

20 March 2019

Brazil is NOT visa-free yet


The news of the abolition of visas for Canadians going to Brazil is only 48 hours old, and already Canadians are making rash plans without getting the proper information.

We have already helped several clients who wanted refunds because they thought they no longer needed their Brazilian eVisas.

Canadians are still required to hold a proper Brazilian eVisa until 17 June 2019. This means the visa rules are still in effect for another 87 days.

Airlines will not board you on a flight to Brazil unless you can present a print of your Brazilian eVisa at the airport in Canada.

Do not delete the eVisa you already have, and apply for one now if you are entering Brazil any time in the next 87 days.

Click here for Brazil eVisas.

19 March 2019

Brazil Visa Termination Declaration

This is the official Brazilian Government notification in the Diario Official da Uniao (gazette)  regarding the termination of visa requirements for Canadians. The English translation below the original Portuguese is unofficial and for information only.

Atos do Poder Executivo
DECRETO Nº 9.731, DE 16 DE MARÇO DE 2019
Dispensa visto de visita para os nacionais da Comunidade da Austrália, do Canadá, dos Estados Unidos da América e do Japão e altera o Decreto nº 9.199, de 20 de novembro de 2017, que regulamenta a Lei nº 13.445, de 24 de maio de 2017, que institui a Lei de Migração.
O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA, no uso da atribuição que lhe confere o art. 84, caput, inciso IV, da Constituição, e tendo em vista o disposto no art. 9º, caput, inciso IV, da Lei nº 13.445, de 24 de maio de 2017, D EC R E T A : Art. 1º Fica dispensado, de forma unilateral, visto de visita, nos termos do disposto no art. 9º, caput, inciso IV, da Lei nº 13.445, de 24 de maio de 2017, para os solicitantes nacionais:
I - da Comunidade da Austrália;
II - do Canadá;
III - dos Estados Unidos da América; e
IV - do Japão.
Parágrafo único. A dispensa do visto de visita apenas se aplica aos nacionais referidos nos incisos do caput, portadores de passaportes válidos, para:
I - entrar, sair, transitar e permanecer no território da República Federativa do Brasil, sem intenção de estabelecer residência, para fins de turismo, negócios, trânsito, realização de atividades artísticas ou desportivas ou em situações excepcionais por interesse nacional; e
II - estada pelo prazo de até noventa dias, prorrogável por igual período, desde que não ultrapasse cento e oitenta dias, a cada doze meses, contado a partir da data da primeira entrada no País.
Art. 2º O Decreto nº 9.199, de 20 de novembro de 2017, passa a vigorar com as seguintes alterações:
§ 2º Ato conjunto dos Ministros de Estado da Justiça e Segurança Pública e das Relações Exteriores poderá, excepcionalmente, dispensar a exigência do visto de visita, para nacionalidades determinadas, observado o interesse nacional.
Art. 3º Este Decreto entra em vigor em 17 de junho de 2019.
Brasília, 16 de março de 2019; 198º da Independência e 131º da República.
Sérgio Moro Ernesto Henrique Fraga Araújo
Marcelo Henrique Teixeira Dias

Acts of the Executive Branch
DECREE No. 9.731, OF 16 MARCH 2019

No visitor visa is required for nationals of the Commonwealth of Australia, Canada, the United States of America and Japan and amends Decree No. 9199 of 20 November 2017, which regulates Law No. 13,445 of May 24, 2017 , which establishes the Migration Law.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the attribution conferred by art. 84, caput, item IV, of the Constitution, and in view of the provisions of art. 9, caput, item IV, of Law No. 13,445, of May 24, 2017, DECRETA: Art. 1 Visitor visa is waived, unilaterally, in accordance with the provisions of art. 9, caput, item IV, of Law 13,445 of May 24, 2017, for national applicants:

I - the Commonwealth of Australia;
II - of Canada;
III - of the United States of America; and
IV - from Japan.

The waiver of the visiting visa only applies to nationals referred to in the sections of the caput, holders of valid passports, to:

I - enter, leave, transit and remain in the territory of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with no intention of establishing residence, for the purposes of tourism, business, transit, artistic or sports activities or in exceptional situations by national interest; and

II - stay for a term of up to ninety days, renewable for an equal period, provided that it does not exceed one hundred and eighty days, every twelve months, counted from the date of the first entry into the Country.

Art. 2 Decree No. 9199, of 20 November 2017, shall become effective with the following changes:

Paragraph 2 - A joint act of the Ministers of State for Justice and Public Security and of Foreign Affairs may, exceptionally, waive the requirement of a visa for certain nationalities, in the national interest.

Article 3. This Decree enters into force on 17 June 2019.
Brasília, 16 March 2019; 198th of Independence and 131st of the Republic.

JAIR MESSIAS BOLSONARO (President of Brazil)
Sérgio Moro Ernesto Henrique Fraga Araújo
Marcelo Henrique Teixeira Dias

Brazil to End Visas on 17 June 2019

The Government of Brazil will end visa requirements for Canadian citizens on Monday 17 June 2019. 

After that date Canadian, Japanese, Australian and US passport holders will no longer need a visa to enter Brazil for short tourist and business stays. This is therefore limited to tourist and business and conferences and seminars, cultural programmes, scientific programmes, research activities, artist activities, amateur sports/athletics, transit, and other short-stay reasons which do not involve work.

Until that date all airlines and the Brazilian customs officials and border posts will require you to present your official Brazilian eVisa for inspection and stamping. 

You still need a Brazil eVisa until at least 18 June 2019 to fly, sail or drive to and enter Brazil.

Click here for Brazil eVisas.

13 March 2019

Canadians need European ETA in 2021

You have two years to get ready for this!

On 01 January 2021 Canadian citizens will be required to hold a valid ETIAS allowing them to enter the European customs zone (the Schengen zone). This does not include the UK or Russia or Belarus. 

This new ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) will be an on-line ETA system in which Canadians will apply for entry permission via a website and pay on-line a fee of Euros 7. Applicants will answer security questions and declared their their first point of arrival in the zone. This means you cannot change your arrival country after getting the ETIAS. The system may also ask for details of education and employment. This is still to be determined.

It will take up to 24 hours for most ETIAS approvals to be sent to the applicant by email. 

It will not be possible to do this at the airport on your departure day. It must be arranged and secured in advance of travel. 

The ETIAS is to be valid for up to three years.