13 July 2015

Indian e-Visas for Business travel

It is now full speed ahead for the Indian e-Visa system.

Since its Canadian roll-out a few months ago the e-Visa system has grown in popularity.

The biggest response is from the business community who now get visas without having to surrender their passports to a potentially slow-moving Indian consular offices.

Although the Indian e-Visa scheme is formally named the "Tourist e-Visa", it is valid for four types of travel: tourist, family visit, medical treatment, and BUSINESS.

Your visa form which we will send to you along with your authorization, will say it is a "Tourist e-Visa" form on the top. However, business travellers need not be worried as the type of travel is specified deep in the form.

At the bottom of section E, just before the start of section F, the form says "Purpose of Visit" and then says "BUSINESS". So although it looks like a tourist visa, you are authorized to conduct business meetings in India under this visa type.

Click here for the new Indian business e-Visa application package.