23 September 2013


Dear Friend of Life and Hope Association (LHA)

Although my last letter to you was from Boston following my May 30 graduation (from the JFK School of Government at Harvard University), I am now back in Siem Reap reconnecting with the wonderful children and our great LHA staff, and applying some of my new learning to our programs.

Mostly, I use these letters to update you on news about the programs that you so generously support. But because we always emphasize personal responsibility in all of our programs, I'd like to begin this letter by sharing some of the ways in which the recipients of your generosity are giving back.

We were so delighted when Koe Pek, Nang Sreyna, and Bou Sochea, 2010 and 2012 graduates from PAGE (Program Advancing Girls Education) decided to use their university vacation to volunteer at LHA’s CDV (Children Development Village).

PAGE girls --- Over the past two months, they have tutored the children on school subjects, taught them English, and acted as house mothers.

Another 10 PAGE girls also volunteered to help with LHA’s interviewing and counselling project at CDV. PAGE graduates use their vacation to volunteer at CDV

Phari Srein who lived at CDV for 6 years before becoming a Wat Damnak temple boy for 3 years, recently graduated from high school. He has decided to return to CDV to work full-time with the children while continuing his studies for university part-time. And as we staff up at CDV, three of our recent PAGE graduates are also considering that same career option.

In another act of generous giving back, Venerable Loeurm has initiated a new project in which LHA community members are donating their hair.

These donations will be made available to people around the world who cannot afford prosthetic medical wigs after they lose their hair following chemotherapy for cancer treatment.

Meanwhile, our programs continue to provide loving care and educational opportunities to bring about positive life changes for the poorest and most vulnerable children, young women and families:

* To our delight, the 12 PAGE girls who took their final high school exams in August all passed and now head off to university, teachers training college, or employment opportunities. We plan to keep supporting them as we are able.

* We also celebrated Nup Sophal’s graduation from Royal University of Phnom Penh — quite an achievement for a 10th grade drop-out who entered our sewing school then joined PAGE to complete high school. Next month, she begins her career teaching Khmer literature and history.

* In August, we built four more Peace Houses, bringing the total to 55 homes that we have offered poor families in exchange for their commitment to send their children to school and renounce abuse, alcohol, and gambling.

* We are now in the process of selecting 12 new PAGE girls from 50 well-qualified, highly motivated candidates who want to continue their education but don't have the opportunity due to family poverty. They will follow the 35 girls who have previously been admitted into PAGE, 22 of whom have now graduated from high school. None of those girls has ever failed or dropped out.

My thanks once again to all of you for your generous and loving hearts , and for helping to change young lives forever.

With peace and love, Somnieng

Executive Director| Life and Hope Association | Wat Damnak | Siem Reap | Cambodia