On 28 Febraury all the Indian visa offices run by VFS Global of India were closed by order of the Indian government. All staff were fired. The next day, Friday 01 March 2013 the Indian visa offices re-opened in different locations across Canada under new management - BLS India.
It was a rough start, to put it mildly.
Some BLS offices did not open to the public. People arrived to find CLOSED signs on doors.
The Indian government announced the new BLS telehone numebr, but actually listed the personal private home number of a Toronto resident who did not understand why people were yelling at him in Hindi.
The BLS India website seems very good, but still hosts contradictory information.
As of last week BLS changed their rules and banned all agents and agencies from assisting with Indian visas.
We are recommending that people apply IN PERSON if at all possible. If you do not live near a BLS India office, then you can ship your application by courier to one of only three offices in Canada.
More to come...