31 March 2010

Cuba & Health Insurance

Cuba wants you to have medical health insurance.

As of 01 May 2010, the Cuban government requires Canadians visiting Cuba for holiday or business or family reasons to have proof of full travel medical health insurance coverage.

Please take your insurance card or policy with you when you travel to Cuba.

The insurance policy should be taken out at the home country of departure. Travelers, who, exceptionally, do not have insurance at arrival, could take out a policy of insurance and assistance from Cuban insurance companies at the airport, port or marina.

Persons not having proof of medical insurance will be required to purchase insurance at the airport from the Cuban company ASISTUR.
Alarm Central 24 hours a day:
Phones (53 7) 866-8527, 866-8339, 867-1315.
Fax (53 7) 8-66-80,
e-mail: asisten@asistur.cu; seguros@asistur.cu

For more information you can visit www.cubatravel.cu or Asistur insurance company at www.asistur.cu
