Good news for those of you going on safari to southern and eastern Africa: Zambia now offers double and multiple entry tourist visas.
The price for a single entry visa remains US$50., while the new double and multiple entry visas for tourist and business travel area only US$80. Forms and requirements remain the same.
This change makes it easier to people to do multi-country safaris, and to follow the large animal herds during the annual great migration. This also makes a visit to Victoria Falls better by allowing re-entry to Zambia after crossing into Zimbabwe. The town of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, also supports tourist visits to the falls, and is a short hop (13 km) across the Zambezi River border from Livingstone, Zambia. For those liking train travel, the Zambian railway runs to Livingstone beside the falls. There are four trains per week from Lusaka, the capital city, to Livingstone. Trains take 15-18 hours to do the journey, and tickets cost about $8 each. Most tourists fly or take busses.
Click here for an on-screen fillable Zambian visa application and instructions.