With more and more restrictions on travel, it is getting more difficult to take your pet cat or dog abroad.
My preferred method of pet transport from Canada to Europe is by ocean liner. Cunard Lines has a purpose-built kennel compound on the Queen Mary 2. The twelve kennels are overseen by a full-time kennel master who feeds, cares for, and walks the animals. Owners can visit and spend time in the kennel compound with their pets. This expensive service is only available trans-Atlantic, and must be booked well in advance. Also, in order to land a pet in the UK, it must be quarantined for six months. This tends to cut down on the desirability of such ports. However, a sailing to France or Germany would avoid such bizarre restrictions.
For those of us without the time and money to sail to Europe or anywhere else, there is the usual way: Air Canada. Air Canada only allows cats and dogs, and no longer allows them in the cabin with passengers unless they are trained and certified service animals (guide dogs for the blind) and are pre-registered with Air Canada Medical Assistance Desk.
All pets must travel in the baggage compartment as checked luggage. You have to pre-register your pet within 24 hours of booking your ticket (1-888-247-2262). Within Canada and the USA the additional cost for a pet is $105 plus taxes; and for any other destination $270 plus taxes. Kennels must weigh less than 32 kg. “International regulations state that the pet carrier must be big enough to allow the animal to stand, turn around and lie down comfortably. If the pet carrier does not allow the animal to do this, Air Canada must refuse transport.” (Air Canada) Please note no airline accepts any responsibility for the death or injury of pets carried by the airline at any time.
As planes tend to be full during holiday periods, there are no pets carried on Air Canada during the Christmas and New Years’ period (18 December - 7 January); and during the summer (20 June - 10 September). During the winter period pets will not be carried on the CRJ and Embraer aircraft due to unheated cargo holds. Also, during the summer you cannot send you pet through the following airports: ATL, MCO, MIA, FLL, LAS, IAH, PHX.
NEVER ever tranquilize your pet before travel: this causes illness and the pet cannot take care of itself when drugged. As an aside, please refrain from dressing them in costumes at Halloween: it degrades you and the animal.
According to Air Canada, here are some current restrictions on pet transport in the most popular destinations.
AUSTRALIA Pets can only travel via cargo due to strict controls.
CANADA Contact the Animal Health Division of Agriculture Canada.
EUROPEAN UNION A Health certificate information form must be filed.
HONG KONG Pets can only travel via cargo due to strict controls.
JAMAICA Pets can only travel via cargo due to strict controls.
NEW ZEALAND Pets can only travel via cargo due to strict controls.
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Pets are not accepted due to quarantine laws.
UNITED KINGDOM Pets are not accepted into or through the UK in the baggage compartment due to quarantine laws. Air Canada was the first North American carrier allowed to participate in United Kingdom's Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) which permits pet dogs and cats to enter U.K as cargo without the usual 6 months quarantine as long as certain conditions are met. Customers wishing to travel with a service animal should contact the Medical Assistance Desk at Air Canada Reservations.
UNITED STATES of AMERICA Pets can only travel via cargo. Pets cannot be shipped to Hawaii at all due to extremely strict agricultural regulations.