02 August 2019

Russian Visas by Jurisdiction Only

The Embassy of Russia will only allow processing of Russian tourist, visit, work and business visas in the proper jurisdiction.

This means that you can only apply at the Russian office responsible for your place of residence.

Effective immediately this also means that even if your TELEX or eLOI states the place of application is Ottawa, but you live in another jurisdiction, you must apply in your proper office.

For Canadians living in Ottawa & NCR (613 & 819), BC, NS, NB, PEI, NFLD, NU, YT, and NWT, the place of application is in Ottawa.
Russia Visa Application Centre - Ottawa
294 Albert Street, #505, Ottawa ON  K1P 6E6

For Canadians living in AB, SK, MB, ON (except 613), the place of application is in Toronto.
Russia Visa Application Centre - Toronto
60 St Clair Ave East
2nd Floor, Suite 200
Toronto ON  M4T 1N5

For Canadians who are residents of the province of Quebec (except 819 and the National Capital Region), the place of application is in Montreal.
Russia Visa Application Centre - Montreal
1010 Sherbrooke Street West
7th Floor, Suite 718
Montreal QC H3A 2R7

01 August 2019

New Zealand ETA launches this month

The government of New Zealand is launching their own ETA scheme called NZeTA this month on an interim basic, with the eTA becoming mandatory on 01 October 2019.

Canadians are subject to the NZeTA, and will have to start applying for permission to enter and paying the NZ$47. This fee includes both the eTA and the international tourism conservation levy.

We will provide more information as it is released by New Zealand.