13 February 2013


On Sunday the Indian government announced it was ending the contract for provision of Indian consular services with VFS India Global as of the end of this month.

All Indian visa offices operated by VFS India Global located in Canada will be closing permanently at the end of business on Thursday 28 February 2013.

Any applications not received at the VFS offices by 22 February 2013 will NOT be processed and will be returned to the client unopened and at the expense of the client.

The contract will be taken over by a new Indian service provider called BLS International.

The new Indian visa offices for all locations in Canada have not yet been announced, but are to be in all of the same cities as were previously served by VFS India Global.

As soon as we have details we will be posting them on our website to ensure you have a smooth visa application experience.

I think we speak for all people who hope that BLS International will do a far better job than VFS India Global.